Your Best Freelancing Friend (BFF)

Megan Grant

Teaching you the anti-hustle culture approach to building a freelancing business.

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Learn on YouTube

I post new videos every week to help you find freedom through freelancing. Here are some of the latest and greatest to get you started:

Using Boolean Search on LinkedIn to Find Targeted Leads

3 Email Finder Tools for 2022: How to Find Email Addresses for Free

Freelance Proposal: How to Write a Proposal for Freelance Work

Revenue Spark

Learn exactly how to land clients as a freelancer. My no-fluff approach will help you build a stable, long-lasting business.

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Bright E.
Before the course even ended, I landed two solid clients whose pay bumped my monthly income up about three times what it previously was.
Bright E.
Devon F.

I’ve now got my first two clients! Documents are being finalized as we speak! I’m happy to say that with those two clients alone, I’VE SUCCESSFULLY REPLACED MY PAST INCOME!

Devon F.
Johan B.

Megan is a great coach. She’s truly an expert … In addition to that, our time together was pure joy. If I had a question or when I needed help with something, I felt that she was always there for me.

Johan B.
Cathy S.

Out of all the courses that teach you how to find clients in your business, I am extremely grateful for finding Revenue Spark. The step-by-step process is clear and concise, the community I am a part of is encouraging and engaging, and Megan’s leadership is outstanding!

Cathy S.

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